Policy Recommendations

Exchange Sessions
Policy Recommendations

The Exchange Sessions were central to engaging both autistic and non-autistic stakeholders in collaborative activities. They provided a platform for open dialog, exchange of experiences and the co-creation of national policy recommendations. The involvement of diverse stakeholders ensured that the recommendations were comprehensive and reflected the needs and perspectives of the whole community. The videos show the introductory presentations and the results of the discussion in small groups in English.
From the Exchange session outcomes, policy recommendations were developed that form the basis for advocacy efforts and carry the collective voice and expertise of project participants to argue persuasively for policy change. Together, these efforts promote the inclusion, diversity, support and well-being of autistic people in Austria, Portugal and beyond.

Exchange Sessions

Exchange Session 1 on Employment

Due to a human error (we do not make the excuse “technical problem” – someone forgot to press the record-button) there is no recording of the first Exchange session.

Laws and regulation to foster inclusion are in place in Austria and Portugal, but experience shows challenges and barriers in the job market for autistic people.

Exchange session 2 on Education

Autistic people encounter difficulties, experience mobbing and often do not achieve the level of education they are intellectually capable of due to structural disadvantages in Austria and Portugal.

Exchange session 3 on Communities

Communities of people on the autism spectrum are important for empowerment, self-confidence and a common fight for inclusion. These are still underdeveloped in Austria, which is why the exchange with Portuguese experience is valuable.

Final Event

Policy Recommendations

The following policy recommendations emerged from the exchange sessions, which we presented to stakeholders.

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