
In our online resource library, you will find a collection of literature, videos, films, series, podcasts, articles, materials, Instagram profiles, etc., aimed at raising awareness about the autism spectrum. Whether you are an autistic person seeking information to better understand yourself or looking for topics relevant to you, such as your own mental health, the transition to adulthood, your rights, advocacy, etc., or you are a professional seeking strategies to better support your clients, our library offers a wealth of resources. Are you a parent who has just received a diagnosis for your child and doesn’t know where to start? Perhaps you are a relative who wants to understand your loved ones better? Or maybe you are someone who knew nothing about autism and wants to learn more? Regardless of your reasons, you will find information on many autism-specific topics in various formats in our online resource library, allowing you to choose what suits you best.

Do you know of a resource we haven’t included yet?

Then send us an email at or let us know through our survey.

Disclaimer: We are very happy that there are so many resources available today on various autism-specific topics. For this reason, we would like to point out that the content in our online resource library does not claim to be current and/or complete.

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